Guilty Birds

Once again a song written whilst pregnant…This time pining for the ‘night life’- after witnessing a small party taking place across the way from me in another high rise apartment building…I thought back to the nights where we may have stayed up TOO late, and the ‘Guilty Birds’ came out to try to convince us it’s time to end the party and go to BED!!!


Produced and Edited by : Jose Grageda
Filmed by: Carlos Matienzo
Art: Marina Covarrubias
Shot in Mexico City Saturday March the 1st 2014
Les presento nuestra última producción Camille Miller “Guilty Birds”
Dirección: José Grageda. 
Fotografía: Carlos Matienzo. 
Dirección de Arte: Marina Covarrubias. 
Espero les guste y lo puedan compartir! Un agradecimiento a todos los que hicieron posible este trabajo!!!