Tic Toc Pop Rock April 23rd

Hello My friends,
I am thrilled to put on, with the help of Max Bash from One Jam Productions, my first original showcase here in Singapore…This is a warm-up for a BIGGIE I am working on in September, but it is already proving to be a blast…
Even if you don’t live in Singapore and have not 1 iota of interest or ability to come to the show…PLEASE click on the link in the middle of the FLYER above to see all the info about the musicians who I will be putting this show on with…
I am even MORE excited ( Ive exceeded my Caps lock and !!!!! already, I know…) to have a band to work with…
Rino Rahman on Drums – Rino has been working with me for the whole year since we moved to Singapore..He also is Sam’s drum teacher. He spends his Saturdays with me when we gig at Le Noir Clark Quay…Check him out!
MoxSaint ( Moxalicious, Mox Roller, TanSri Moxiiiii, effect) also has been my working buddy for the last year at both MBS and Clark Quay locations…He is a great guitarist and as I have mentioned before..He is LOVELY!
The newest addition is my new friend Kevin Bennett Jr. on BASS!!! We have BASS!!!
I am still very grateful to Kelly and Mark from Le Noir, for hiring me, and allowing me to work with these guys and giving me the ability to forge this relationship…It takes time…
Take care, keep healthy, don’t PANIC buy on toilet paper and Instant Noodles like we did here in Singapore!!!
Love you all,
Love me back.

Support Sandio’s Food Drive by camilleannemiller

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